MUSIC: Composing for the "Help the Earth" game

I composed a track for the environmental educational game, Help the Earth!

 I wanted something with the feel of minecraft. Not too distracting and something that wouldn't compete with the sound effects. The track also had to loop and not get too boring. It was an unusual challenge for sure. 

The "Help the Earth" game was developed with the aim to make environmental education simple. The game is now published on Google Play. Search for the publisher fishhealer or click the links below to play. (Android only.)

The game help remind us the different ways we can "Help The Earth", I named it help the earth, Pretty genius I know. 

Collect various icons which help you in the game. Remember you can help too! 

  • Solar Energy
  • Recycling
  • Wind Energy
  • Energy Saving Lightbulbs
  • Planting Trees
  • Going Vegan